• Foot Conditions

  • Ankle and Achilles Conditions

  • Sports Injuries

  • Keyhole Surgery

Ankle Rehabilitation

After Foot or Ankle Surgery Rehabilitation
Achilles Tendon Problems (Tendinopathy) Rehabilitation
Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery Rehabilitation
Ankle Arthroscopy Rehabilitation
Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation
Ankle Microfracture for Cartilage Injuries Rehabilitation
Ankle Sprains

After Foot or Ankle Surgery Rehabilitation

Once in the recovery area of theatres you will awake from the sedation or general anaesthetic or, you may have been awake throughout the procedure. Your foot and ankle will be elevated and have a bandage or plaster around. An anaesthetic block will have been Read More…

Achilles Tendon Problems (Tendinopathy) Rehabilitation

Failure of the Achilles tendon to repair itself following injury. The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body which connects the calf muscle to the heel. It may be Insertional (where it inserts into the heel bone) or Non-Insertional (in the mid portion of the tendon) Read More…

Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery Rehabilitation

Plaster front slab placed on while under anaesthetic, in minimal equinus (foot pointing down)
Touch-weight-bearing mobilization with 2 crutches
Regular pain relief as required (Eg. Paracetamol, Coedine and Diclofenac) Read More…

Ankle Arthroscopy Rehabilitation

Arthroscopy is a type of keyhole surgery where the internal structures of a joint is examined for diagnosis and treatment. This is in contrast to an ‘Open’ procedure, involving a much larger incision. During the examination, one or more small incisions are made in the Read More…

Ankle Microfracture for Cartilage Injuries Rehabilitation

A key hole operation using 2 small cuts has been performed (arthroscopy). This allows a small telescope and instruments to be placed inside the ankle. The damaged and loose articular cartilage (and bone) on the end of the bone has been removed Read More…

Ankle Ligament Reconstruction Rehabilitation

Following ankle arthroscopy, the Anterior Talo-Fibula Ligament (ATFL) and/or Calcaneo-Fibula Ligament (CFL) are reconstructed by tightening the tissue by detaching, advancing and reattaching them with bone anchors or sutures Read More…

Ankle Sprains

Sprain is characterized either by stretching or tearing of ligaments, which connect adjacent bones in a joint and provides stability to the joint. An ankle sprain is a common injury and occurs when you fall or suddenly twist the ankle joint, or when you land your foot in an Read More…